The Campaign's Mission Statement

Weston General Hospital People Before Profits Campaign Mission Statement

The Weston General Hospital Campaign has been set up by a large group of local people who are deeply concerned that our local hospital may be sold off to a private health corporation.

In the end, any private company must run the hospital for the benefit of its own shareholders and not for the benefit of the community it serves. We believe that there is simply no place in our health service for businesses to profit from illness.

The sell off to private health care companies of NHS services is a waste of taxpayers’ money.
We should not let ourselves be fooled by the constant stream of half truths and outright statistical lies coming from politicians and newspapers[tabloids].  Licensing health services to private companies under cover of “franchise” is still a step on the road to full privatisation.

The fragmentation of NHS services that will result is dangerous to patients and damaging to the Department for Health’s budget.  None of these “reforms” are based on evidence.  These reforms are based on the USA model, which is far more costly than the NHS, and leaves poor people without any decent health services. Ironically, the US President is trying to produce something like the NHS while here politicians are desperately trying to convert the NHS to the US model.

Anyone who thinks that privatisation of the country’s resources makes economic sense should just look at the chaos of the rail franchises.  Our water is owned by multinationals including Kuwait and Canada and our electricity by France and Germany. Do we really want to see our NHS owned by US companies?

The Weston General Hospital People Before Profits Campaign is demanding that an NHS Trust is chosen to run Weston  Hospital and for it to retain a full, 24 hour, A&E service.

For information on some of the private health care companies who are bidding to run the hospital please go to:

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